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API Generators

ORMs, CMSes, and other tools that create an API for you.


Clasificación da conciencia, o interese e o ratio de satisfacción.

Non se inclúen tecnoloxías con menos dun 10% de presenza. Cada relación se define como:

  • Satisfacción: o volvería a usar / (o volvería a usar + non o volvería a usar)
  • Interese: quero aprendela / (quero aprendela + non me interesa)
  • Uso: (o volvería a usar + non o volvería a usar) / total
  • Presenza: (total - nunca o oín) / total
Podes premer no nome de calquera tecnoloxía para obter detalles adicionais e unha vista máis fonda dos seus datos.

Separación Positiva/Negativa

Esta gráfica separa experiencias positivas (“quero aprender”, “o volvería a usar”) das negativas (“non me interesan”, “non as volvería a usar”) a ambos lados do eixo central.

O groso da barra representa o número de enquisados que coñecen a tecnoloxía.

Outras Ferramentas

We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: Benjie Gillam

Benjie is one of the main people pushing GraphQL forward. His engagement in the WG, TSC, and various foundation initiatives is second to none.

We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

Tim Suchanek

Software Engineer and Entrepreneur

How happy are you with the overall state of API generators?

Customize Data

Recursos Recomendados

GraphQL Mesh
The Guild

GraphQL Mesh

The Graph of Everything - Federated architecture for any API service (GraphQL, REST/OpenAPI/Swagger, json-schema, SOAP, gRPC, Databases and more..). The ultimate gateway for any API technology.
Building a real-time chat app with GraphQL subscriptions

Building a real-time chat app with GraphQL subscriptions

Learn how GraphQL Subscriptions can be used to build a full-fledged real-time group chat app on Postgres with React.
Grazas aos nosos colaboradores por darnos o seu apoio! Saber máis.