Querying your API.
Link to sectionClasificacións
Clasificación da conciencia, o interese e o ratio de satisfacción.
Non se inclúen tecnoloxías con menos dun 10% de presenza. Cada relación se define como:
- Satisfacción: o volvería a usar / (o volvería a usar + non o volvería a usar)
- Interese: quero aprendela / (quero aprendela + non me interesa)
- Uso: (o volvería a usar + non o volvería a usar) / total
- Presenza: (total - nunca o oín) / total
Podes premer no nome de calquera tecnoloxía para obter detalles adicionais e unha vista máis fonda dos seus datos.
Link to sectionSeparación Positiva/Negativa
Esta gráfica separa experiencias positivas (“quero aprender”, “o volvería a usar”) das negativas (“non me interesan”, “non as volvería a usar”) a ambos lados do eixo central.
O groso da barra representa o número de enquisados que coñecen a tecnoloxía.
Link to sectionOutras Ferramentas
We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2022 Pick: Streaming over GraphQL Subscriptions
Modern APIs need to handle an increasing volume of data, or fast-moving data that is a stream. Could we use GraphQL subscriptions as a streaming API?
We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”
Tanmai Gopal
CEO & co-founder at Hasura
Link to sectionHow happy are you with the overall state of GraphQL clients?
Customize Data
Link to sectionRecursos Recomendados
Client-Side GraphQL in React
Learn to use GraphQL on the client-side using React with Apollo Client.
Best Practices for using GraphQL on the client
GraphQL on the client has evolved a lot in the last years. Learn what are the latest best practices and tooling that you should use in your client apps.
Grazas aos nosos colaboradores por darnos o seu apoio! Saber máis.