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GraphQL Servers

How you power your API.
Clasificación da conciencia, o interese e o ratio de satisfacción.

Non se inclúen tecnoloxías con menos dun 10% de presenza. Cada relación se define como:

  • Satisfacción: o volvería a usar / (o volvería a usar + non o volvería a usar)
  • Interese: quero aprendela / (quero aprendela + non me interesa)
  • Uso: (o volvería a usar + non o volvería a usar) / total
  • Presenza: (total - nunca o oín) / total
Podes premer no nome de calquera tecnoloxía para obter detalles adicionais e unha vista máis fonda dos seus datos.

Separación Positiva/Negativa

Esta gráfica separa experiencias positivas (“quero aprender”, “o volvería a usar”) das negativas (“non me interesan”, “non as volvería a usar”) a ambos lados do eixo central.

O groso da barra representa o número de enquisados que coñecen a tecnoloxía.

Outras Ferramentas

We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: GraphQL Mesh

More and more people are looking for solutions to bridge the gap between all of their services. Mesh lets you do that with GraphQL, and non-GraphQL services.

We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

Jamie Barton

Full Stack Developer & Educator

How happy are you with the overall state of GraphQL servers?

Customize Data

Recursos Recomendados

Server-Side GraphQL in Node.js
Scott Moss

Server-Side GraphQL in Node.js

Learn everything you need to create a GraphQL API on the server in Node.js with Apollo Server.
Yoga Server Tutorial
The Guild

Yoga Server Tutorial

Learn to create a performant, modern GraphQL Server that can run on any platform with Yoga Server, the best GraphQL Server in the ecosystem.
Grazas aos nosos colaboradores por darnos o seu apoio! Saber máis.