Jamie Barton
GraphQL is truly part of how we build modern applications today.
More and more companies are creating products, services, tooling, RFCs and most of that work is being done as open-source, which is fantastic to see! It's crucial for a flourishing ecosystem to have healthy competition and collaboration!
As a result, the tide is changing on how we consume GraphQL on the client, with libraries such as urql and React Query being popular choices today alongside stalwarts like Apollo Client and Relay. It's also great to see GraphQL continue to grow and flourish in languages other than JavaScript – there are now stable and mature GraphQL servers and clients in almost all of the most popular programming languages!
GraphQL itself is changing as well, with much anticipated changes edging closer to being officially part of the specification. We'll soon see changes with stream, defer, input polymorphism, as well as improvements around subscriptions and live queries.
Moreover, there's now dedicated companies focused on GraphQL security, caching, tracing errors, deploying to the edge, abstracting databases and backends into simple schemas, and so much more that make working with GraphQL even more approachable than it ever has been before.
We also recently witnessed a brand new GraphiQL release that boasts a powerful plugin ecosystem, fewer dependencies, and even dark mode! And the GraphQL Foundation continues to grow with new members joining regularly to help sustain the efforts of all those involved in educating, building, and steering the future of GraphQL.
GraphQL has found its place in the ecosystem, and it has an exciting future ahead!