
GraphQL Clients

Querying your API.


满意度, 关注度, 使用率, 和认知率的排行。

不包含认知率低于10%的技术。 每个比率定义如下:

  • 满意率:会再次使用 / (会再次使用 + 不会再次使用)
  • 关注率:想学习 / (想学习 + 不感兴趣)
  • 使用率:(将再次使用 + 将不再使用) / 总计
  • 认知率:(总计 - 从未听说过) / 总计
你可以单击任何技术的名称, 来获得额外的详细信息,并更深入地查看其相关数据。


这张图表将 用户的积极体验(想学习,会再次使用)和消极体验(不感兴趣,不会再次使用) 分别呈现在中轴两侧。



We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: Streaming over GraphQL Subscriptions

Modern APIs need to handle an increasing volume of data, or fast-moving data that is a stream. Could we use GraphQL subscriptions as a streaming API?

We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

Tanmai Gopal

CEO & co-founder at Hasura

How happy are you with the overall state of GraphQL clients?

Client-Side GraphQL in React
Scott Moss

Client-Side GraphQL in React

Learn to use GraphQL on the client-side using React with Apollo Client.
Best Practices for using GraphQL on the client
The Guild

Best Practices for using GraphQL on the client

GraphQL on the client has evolved a lot in the last years. Learn what are the latest best practices and tooling that you should use in your client apps.
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