
Schema Builders

Libraries and utilities that help you build all or part of your GraphQL schema.


满意度, 关注度, 使用率, 和认知率的排行。

不包含认知率低于10%的技术。 每个比率定义如下:

  • 满意率:会再次使用 / (会再次使用 + 不会再次使用)
  • 关注率:想学习 / (想学习 + 不感兴趣)
  • 使用率:(将再次使用 + 将不再使用) / 总计
  • 认知率:(总计 - 从未听说过) / 总计
你可以单击任何技术的名称, 来获得额外的详细信息,并更深入地查看其相关数据。


这张图表将 用户的积极体验(想学习,会再次使用)和消极体验(不感兴趣,不会再次使用) 分别呈现在中轴两侧。



We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: Pothos GraphQL

Code-first, TS schema builder. Easy to use yet powerful, plugin based and very well maintained. If you go code first, this is the one to choose.

We asked members of the GraphQL community to share their “pick of the year”

Uri Goldshtein

Founder of The Guild

How happy are you with the overall state of schema builders?

Fullstack TypeScript (feat. GraphQL & Node.js)
Mike North

Fullstack TypeScript (feat. GraphQL & Node.js)

We'll build a Twitter App with React and generate TypeScript code based on a GraphQL schema.
The Guild


The ultimate GraphQL workflow - Create your schema from any source (GraphQL, REST/OpenAPI/Swagger, json-schema, SOAP, gRPC, Databases and more..), store it on Hive’s CDN and serve it automatically to your Federated gateway
感谢合作伙伴对我们的支持! 了解更多。